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Posts from the ‘Detox’ Category


#149 Herbal Skin Detox with Ora Assayag


Ora Assayag, of Ora’s Amazing Herbals, developed her first herbal salve to treat her own child’s eczema. Today Ora has an entire line of incredible, all natural skincare products that promise to heal and absorb toxins from your skin!

With a background in nutrition, Ora tackled skincare with a unique approach. Tune in to learn about:

  • Ora’s favorite skincare products
  • How to detox your skin
  • Keeping toxins out of your children’s bodies

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Detoxify with Coconut Oil – Benefits of Oil Pulling


If we told you to go ahead and scoop out a tablespoon of raw organic coconut oil from the jar and swish it around your mouth, you may call us crazy. But you can detox with coconut oil and enjoy the many benefits of oil pulling. 

However, as crazy as it seems, this ancient Ayurvedic method of holistic healing is actually a highly powerful way to improve not only oral health, but also to detoxify the entire body.

Dr. Bruce Fife is a coconut oil expert and the author of Oil Pulling Therapy. He says, “oil pulling is one of the most remarkable methods of detoxification and healing I have ever experienced in my career as a naturopathic physician.”

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Dangers Posed by Mercury


Understanding what mercury is, the dangers of mercury, and the options we have for detoxification can help us take a proactive approach in both avoidance and elimination.

In this post we will talk about:

  • The History of Mercury Use
  • Modern Sources of Mercury Exposure
  • Dangers Posed by Mercury
  • Determining Detox Strategies
  • What is Chelation?
  • When to Seek Help
  • Takeaway: Mercury Avoidance Checklist
  • How You Can Learn More About Detoxification at The Detox Summit

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Detoxify with Coconut Oil – Benefits of Oil Pulling


Its scientific name is Cocos nucifera, meaning “nut-bearing.” Coconuts have a long and respected history throughout numerous cultures in the world, and many depend on them for their survival. Pacific islanders refer to coconut oil as a cure for all illnesses and many call it the “healthiest oil on earth.”

The coconut palm, which produces the coconut, is known as the “Tree of Life,” and although many people have been aware of this nut’s amazing nutritional quality, they may not know that it is a “functional food.” Read More…


Differences Between Photobiomodulation and Sauna Therapy

Light bulb

With both saunas and light therapy – or, more accurately, photobiomodulation (PBM) – becoming popular options for those seeking wellness, there is an overwhelming amount of information available. This article will help clear up some common misconceptions and provide clarity around the critical differences between saunas and PBM, further assisting you along your wellness journey. Read More…


10 Signs You Need a Detox


“Detox” may have become a trendy buzzword, but it’s an absolutely necessary step you must add to your health regimen. If you ignore detox, you’re missing the boat and your health will suffer. Learn the signs you need a detox.With excessive toxin exposure and stress, our natural detox pathways can become compromised. In this article, I tell you how to clean up your liver and your body.

If you have a lack of energy, brain fog or are suffering from a chronic disease or condition, I guarantee you that toxin accumulation is contributing to the problem.

I learned about detox when I was planning my pregnancy many years ago.  Reading the baby books, I was shocked by all the chemicals you had to remove from the baby’s environment and realized I was completely surrounded by chemicals in the air, food and water. This education as a scary wake up call and I realized the dire importance of removing toxins from your environment and from your body. Read More…


Infrared Saunas Are Shown to Lower Blood Pressure


Only Sunlighten Infrared saunas are backed by clinical research that shows a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Both are key factors in maintaining a healthy heart. As part of a blood pressure therapy program, regular use of a Sunlighten infrared sauna is good for your heart!

In the U.S. alone, one in three adults suffers from heart disease, stroke or some other form of cardiovascular disease in their lifetime. High blood pressure increases your risk of getting heart disease, kidney disease or serious stroke.

Only Sunlighten saunas have been clinically determined to provide one of the best, natural ways to lower blood pressure. Read More…


Increase Energy, Detox and Reduce Pain with a Magnetico Sleep Pad!


Are you interested in preventing diseases and alleviating arthritis, fibromyalgia, heart problems, multiple sclerosis, ADHD, autism, migraines, chronic fatigue, obesity, circulatory problems, sleep disorders and advancing your general health, fitness and recovery? 

Magentico pads are a revolutionary technology that mimic the magentic field of the earth. I think they are a fantastic way to approach natural healing of countless health issues and diseases and achieve optimum health.

Dr. Dean Bonlie is the inventor of the patented Magnetico Sleeping Pad. The basis of Dr. Bonlie’s theory is that our only source of magnetism is from the Earth, but now that this source is so drastically depleted, it appears to have a distinct impact on health.  Magnetic supplementation is the only way to correctly restore the Earth-type magnetic fields by which our bodies have evolved to function properly and enjoy optimum health.

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Strontium Toxicity


Strontium is found as a non-radioactive element; but in addition to its stable, natural forms, there are also radioactive ones. Toxicity of this metal is incredibly dangerous, as it displaces calcium and primarily targets bone health.

Plus, in the case of radioactive strontium, it acts as a human carcinogen! While most of the strontium to which we are exposed on a daily basis is not radioactive or permanently damaging, it’s still poses a great threat to our health.

Identify the presence of this toxic mineral and, with Mineral Power, you can detox your body from this dangerous element! Read More…


Differences Between Photobiomodulation and Sauna Therapy


Since the mechanism of action of saunas is to induce thermal stress on the body, you may be wondering, what exactly does this accomplish? There are several biological responses, which include increased heart rate and perspiration.

Additionally, when the body is subject to heat in sufficient amounts, it causes an imbalance in protein metabolism. This is an ongoing process called protein folding, whereby random protein coils transform into their normal 3-dimensional structures. This is an incredibly important process, and if dysfunctional, can lead to serious health conditions.

In fact, we have an entire class of molecular chaperones that monitor our cells for any type of stress that disrupts this process. Specifically, a class of these chaperones, called heat shock proteins, respond to heat-induced cellular stress. By inducing heat stress on the body, the resulting activation of these heat shock proteins leads to some interesting health benefits, which are very similar to physical exercise. Read More…